Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Honey fudge/ toffee

Another recipe from the River Cottage Family Cookbook but this time, not so foolproof.

This seemed so easy, but despite having my sugar thermometer carefully in hand, I made two batches - one that turned out as fudge-ish, one that turned out as toffee, neither of which were the same colour as in the book...

In fact, I think I nearly burnt the stufff that turned out fudgy. But I don't understand how I did that, and indeed how I got tofee, when according to my thermometer I hadn't even reached 116 degrees Celsius. According to the recipe, that's what I was aiming for and I'd have to get to 200 or so to hit toffee levels, but that's not what happened so...

My reliable fudge-making friend tells me that I overcooked the milk. I suspect I could've done with a deeper pan (so as to be able to do it all in one batch), with a heavier bottom and on a lower, less impatient temperature.

This one definitely requires further experimentation.

I haven't taken pictures of it chopped proper because...well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.

But here it is in a tray.

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