Tuesday 21 October 2008

Baking beginnings

Something tells me that a little after midnight on a Monday night (though I keep thinking it's Sunday) is not the best time to finally start writing my blog. But I've had my eyes in my screen so much today that now is by far the best time...well, the best time today, at least.

I started baking when I was a young'un - my mum taught me how to bake what you might call a bog-standard cake, which she'd been taught when she did home ec. at school...I can't remember how I went from that, to being limited to baking no more than two things a week - if I kept on, we were going to have to eat dessert morning, noon and night to get through it all.

The book I remember using most (in the early days) is The Dairy Book of Home Management. Amazingly there's a copy going for 50p on ebay.

We never had The Dairy Book of Home Cookery, but the home baking section of our copy of the former is well thumbed - it's where I first rummaged for recipes to make scones, and rock cakes, and pancakes and such.

I also used to get wide eyed at all the food and kitchen gadgets on offer when we'd go to the Ideal Home Show - the most pertinent memory is that they'd always be giving out an endless stream of kiwi fruits with plastic, luminous green spoon-knife thingummies so as to best devour your kiwi fruit.

Somewhere around this time, or maybe a bit before, I'd use the hatch in our kitchen to present my own cooking show to the dining room (the invisible audience got bored of me making rotis, I'm sure) and when I was a tiny toddler my mum would sit me in my pushchair in the kitchen and I'd watch her cook.

Never mind the baking - I'm not surprised I start pondering what to have for dinner around the lunchtime mark.

SO - my point is this. Anyone can be inspired by food and baking and get used to 'nutrition' being as much about enjoying your food and all the rituals that go with cooking and baking - rather than it just being a means to an end, eating a meal can be more than just putting food in your gob.

When you've got the Sunday blues, baking's one of the most therapeutic mid-afternoon activities you could imagine!

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