Tuesday 4 November 2008

22nd October - broc-cauli cheese with bacon

Abel and Cole delivered a mini-cauliflower and two mini-broccolis in my latest box and lo - broc-cauli cheese with bacon was born. In fact, the cheese sauce was made with blue cheese...it might've been Roquefort...and some mature cheddar for extra cheesiness.

Chopped and washed my veg. Fried the bacon while starting to make the white sauce (which is very easy, by the way), put the veg on to blanche and pulled out my ceramic dish. Now's the time to switch the oven on on a moderate heat too - say 180 degrees C.

When the veg was nearly cooked through, I drained it thoroughly. Meanwhile I switched off the heat under my bacon and chopped it up with scissors, and made my white sauce into cheese sauce.

Then it's really simple - tip your veg into your dish, sprinkle over the bacon, tip over the sauce and make sure all your veg is covered, put some grated cheese on top and stick in the oven until nicely browned.

Mmmmmm. This was perfect wintery comfort food...and despite feeding me and my housemate, there was still enough left for lunch AND dinner the following day.

Only drawback was that eating that much cheese in that short a space of time is perhaps not the smartest thing I've ever done...

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