Wednesday, 29 October 2008

16th October - bolognese sauce and garlic bread

This was my dinner on this day. I was reallllllly ridiculously hungry. I got some beef mince on the way home with the intention of making bolognese and having it on a baked potato. Perhaps using up some carrots from my box of goodies.

But then hunger was getting out of hand, so I got some bolognese sauce too, because I was doubtful I could hold out until I cooked bolognese from scratch.

Then, on the way home I noticed the sauce actually already had meat in it.

I got home, and had no stamina whatsoever to even wait until a potato was baked, so ended up having bolognese sauce with garlic bread from....I can't remember where from.

This was speedy, but the sauce was SO tart that it made me make this kind of face. I had to put some black pepper and half a teaspoon of sugar in, but it was still a bit Wrong.

Still. Wasn't hungry anymore.

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